"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history." - George Bernard Shaw
What worked in past?
(To better understand the Case studies we would advise you to read Challenge post before attempting to read Case studies and then reading the Campaign post to better understand our Campaign principles.)
The laws will never change the mindset of people and one of the most effective way to change the mindset is to either emotionalize the message so they can understand the consequences of the message or increase peer pressure i.e name and shame the culprits. Here are some case studies which will help better understand how Suraya Foundation would like to help spread the campaign.
The first examples are pictorial which ran on billboards and newspapers made by government departments, ad agencies and other independent non-profit organizations.
(To better understand the Case studies we would advise you to read Challenge post before attempting to read Case studies and then reading the Campaign post to better understand our Campaign principles.)
The laws will never change the mindset of people and one of the most effective way to change the mindset is to either emotionalize the message so they can understand the consequences of the message or increase peer pressure i.e name and shame the culprits. Here are some case studies which will help better understand how Suraya Foundation would like to help spread the campaign.
The first examples are pictorial which ran on billboards and newspapers made by government departments, ad agencies and other independent non-profit organizations.
Pictorial Campaigns
Securitie pour tous (Security for all) program started by Renault developed many innovative videos and pictures. Below is the winner of the school contest on 2005 for the best picture stating "The road is not a video game" and below "You have only one life".
Here another pictorial graphics which the THINK! campaign started in UK when death toll of number of teenagers started rising when they were not concentrating on the road. It depicts a teenager not paying attention while crossing the road, and consequently getting involved in a crash and ending up severely injured.
Video Campaigns
Case Study 1 - Anti- Smoking Campaign
First ad is from an anti-smoking campaign "Truth ad" . Made by thetruth.com from USA and aired around 2001, it depicts a situation where a teenager speaks on the microphone and a truck unloads hundreds of body bag in front of corporate office of a major tobacco company. In the end of the commercial thousands of body bags are laid out on the street. One teen shouts on the microphone "Do you know how many people tobacco kills everyday?" The protestors carry billboards saying the daily death toll is revealed to be 1,200 - the number of body bags piled up in front of tobacco headquarters. Watch the video below.
Truth Ad
Truth Ad
In 2002, American Journal of Public Health surveyed 10,692 teenagers, and it was found that from among those who saw the Truth campaign, 66 percent were less likely to smoke and thus the ad made a huge impact on the viewers. This can be compared to Phillip Morris "Think Dont Smoke" campaign which increased smokers by 36%!!!
Case Study 2 - Anti-littering campaign
In '80s the state of Texas faced huge littering problem spending at least $25 million per year and the costs were rising 15 percent per year. Standard messages like "Please don't litter" did not work. Secondly the authorities tried using emotional messages like Native American shedding tear over litter which also did not work until Texas authorities hired an advertiser Dan Syrek who figured out some-type of macho-looking male members to whom saying "please" would fall on deaf ears, were mostly littering the state. Penalizing by imposing hefty fines did not work as macho kind of people were anti-authority. So Dan figured out the best way to convince these macho-people was to use people they look up to or people like them. Based on the research the department of Texas approved a campaign built around the slogan "Don't mess with Texas". Below is one of the earlier commercials featuring two Dallas Cowboys players - Randy White and Ed Jones.
Dont Mess with Texas
Dont Mess with Texas
There have been many other versions of the video which you can view by going to Dont Mess with Texas. The campaign "Dont Mess with Texas became the most successful anti-littering campaign in the history. Within a few months of launch an astonishing 73 percent of Texans polled could recall the message and identify it as antilitter message. Within one year, litter had declined by 29 percent. The campaign is credited with reducing litter on Texas highways by 72% between 1986 and 1990. You can read more about this in the book - Dont Mess with Texas - the Story behind the Legend
Successful Campaign Template
Two Harvard researchers - Dan Heath and Chip Heath have broken down elements on "Truth Ad" and "Dont Mess with Texas" ads and showed why it worked in their famous book - Made to Stick. We have adopted the "Success" template discussed in the book and incorporated it in our messages to ensure it has desired positive effect on listeners and viable results. You can read about our campaign strategy here.
Successful Campaign Template
Two Harvard researchers - Dan Heath and Chip Heath have broken down elements on "Truth Ad" and "Dont Mess with Texas" ads and showed why it worked in their famous book - Made to Stick. We have adopted the "Success" template discussed in the book and incorporated it in our messages to ensure it has desired positive effect on listeners and viable results. You can read about our campaign strategy here.