This is an information graphic highlighting the amount of people killed by road accidents in the Arabian Gulf (Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, UAE & Saudi Arabia) and its effect on their economy.
Did you know that an estimated 12,000 lives are lost each year on our roads? Our recklessness ― disobedience of road laws, overspeeding, mis education, road rage and tailgating is the major reason for this. In addition, this preventable epidemic results in the Gulf countries losing up to $20 billion in economic revenue. Please help us in educating others by sharing this information in hopes that it will bring awareness to how much road deaths are affecting us.
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This graphic was created thanks to the great work of our enthusiastic volunteers who spent 40 hours researching information, collecting statistics, collating data, simplifying all the research & putting it all together into this creative infograph.
Designed by Sappho Rodriguez, Research & Collating by Mohd Shahnawaz , Mark Johnson and Samuel Thomas, Samantha Sally, Mark Warrington Assisted by Richelle Villar, Proof Read by Doug Wedel
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